
Saturday, July 10, 2010

The True Meanings of True Love

We often associate passion with love. However, passion and love are not synonymous. Passion is an emotional state rather violent and powerful that dominates reason. True passion can degenerate into obsession. Love is what survives when the passion fades. The feeling of love is based on knowledge rather than on the attraction and fantasies.

For love to exist and develop, three conditions are necessary. These three conditions must be channeled toward the same person and be reciprocal.


The first condition is admiration. I can only love someone if I admire him or her and if I feel admired by that same person. Admiration is a feeling of joy and fulfillment toward what we consider beautiful, great and noble. There is no love without respect. From the moment we start yelling all kind of stupid things to each other, we are seriously mortgaging our love. We may not always agree with each other, but we must always agree about the fact that the other person is a unique human being, exceptional and worthy of respect and admiration. The decline of admiration is directly proportional to the decrease of love. The loss of wonder and admiration is an exceedingly grave indication, which seriously puts in danger the couple survival.


The second condition is the dreams. Two people who love each other share the same projects, and the same dreams. They are two accomplices who plot their future together: their marriage, buying a house, the arrival of the first child and of the following children, their professional success, their social involvements, their vacations and their retirements... That each member of the couple may have individual dreams different from those of the other, there is no reasons to panic or make a big fuss about it. The individual's dreams should not be limited to the couple's dreams. But shouldn't take precedence over the couple's dreams and joint projects. Starting from the time when one is caught dreaming about another he or she, the end of the common dreams are very close to an end. Every couple is based on two people having their own autonomous respective projects and joint projects. Loving, is dreaming about all the possible things that can be accomplished as a couple. When the man devotes all his energy and all his time to his professional success, and the woman lives only for her children, a distance is created between the two lovers, who may find themselves as foreigners in retirement, as soon as the children are gone.


Finally, love is based on physical attraction and sexual attraction. So the phrase "making love" means sex. To love someone is to desire that person, stick close, touch, caress, interpenetrate, fuse. To love someone is to be attracted physically and intellectually by this person. Does a sexual difficulty or a loss of libido means a loss of love? Sometimes, but not always. But it is a clue that something is happening which the couple must deal with at the earliest time possible in order to survive. Passion, by definition, kills the desire, the same way as a good meal makes hunger disappear. Desire comes from frustration and need. To keep desire well and alive, each person must find a fair distance that allows the desire to continue as (we must eat if we want to survive), but waiting till you are hungry maintains the eating pleasure (Lunch is always good when we are hungry). Taking the other for granted is the surest way to kill love.

Therefore love constitutes recognition, admiration, projects and pleasures.

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How to Test a Man's Love For You! Here is How to Know Whether His Love is Truly Genuine Or Not

Sometimes you feel that being in love is not enough. You know that you love him and he says that he does too. But you really aren't sure if he is really in love with you or not, so you decide to test him, but how? Here are some of the things that are good enough to test his love for you.

Check his eyes
What is it that you see when you look into his eyes? His eyes give you a glimpse of what is there in his soul and every time that he looks at you do you find his face and his eyes lighting up. If his eyes light up on seeing you he has passed the test of love.

Does he act possessive
Ask one of your office colleagues or one of your friends to act in a slightly flirtatious manner with you in front of your man. See how he reacts. If he accepts the flirting as harmless but still acts a little possessive and jealous then he definitely has passed your love test.

Is he introducing you to his family and friends
Ask him about his friends and family and see how he reacts. Tell him that you would definitely like to meet them someday. See his reaction and gauge. If he is positive about doing so then he has passed.

Is he willing to talk about your future together
Talk about some of your friends getting married or talk of a couple who has grown old together, and see how he reacts to that. If he is willing to talk about your future together with him then he is definitely in love with you.

is he ready to talk about his childhood
Try and talk to him about his childhood and see if he is willing to open up to you. If he willingly talks about it then he loves you enough to let you into his world. If he doesn't then his love for you isn't that advanced yet. With time he will let you into his inner world. You just have to work hard for it.

Is he willing to make a sacrifice for you
Asking a man to make a sacrifice for you is one of the surest ways to test his love for you. Ask him for a small sacrifice like not watching a ball game just to spend time with you. If he is willing to do that to make you happy then he is in love with you.

Can he pass the loyalty test
Ask one of your close friends to hit on him. If he doesn't hit back on her and comes and tells you about it then he has passed the test of love

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here